Wednesday, May 9, 2012

from yesterday 1

 (A paper from a series i wrote for english class)
Dear God,

Your religion has crafted the very people you created into bringers of death and pervaders of hate; turned the very spreaders of your word into destroyers of innocence. Your followers have picketed the funerals of soldiers, brought violence against the homosexual community, bombed abortion clinics, sold religion on television, and raped children in your own houses of worship while using your name as a shield.

Why would the one who (lovingly) created us allow these atrocities to go on unchecked? The Westboro Baptist Church picketed the funeral of Matthew Snyder holding up signs that read “Thank God For 9-11” and “God Hates Fags.” This doesn't seem like something I learned in church. Another one of your followers – while proclaiming his Roman Catholic faith – blew up several abortion clinics, killing innocent people and hurting many others in his offerings to you. With one hand you threaten to banish us to Hell while you feed your priests more altar boys with your other hand. Something inside me will not let me believe that the grand plan for these little boys was to be raped by the men who are more closely connected to you than anyone else. Your book and word has bred hate into the hearts of people so successfully that gay bashing is an accepted after church activity. Since when is it right to beat someone to death because they are “living in sin”? Your churches have become hulking behemoths of capitalism built on the dollars of guilt ridden sheep in hopes of walking hand in hand with you and your son. There is no reason that money and faith should be connected in any way. Your method of religion is bought and sold while your leaders expand their own empires in a form similar to Hitler's Nazi Empire. Your allowance of these crimes against humanity itself have effectively refused people the very punishment bestowed upon them after being purged from The Garden Of Eden – and still you do nothing. The people who represent you have and continue to: kill innocent people, destroy lives, spread hate, dilute meanings, judge each other, and dine at the table of hypocrisy, all while wiping their disgusting mouths with your name; yet you do nothing to stop it.

If you ask Charles Manson if he ever killed anyone he will say that no, he never did. If you ask his followers why they did what they did, they will most certainly say he told them to do it; the same way your followers will say that you told them to do it. There is a greater good somewhere inside all men, but this cult following of a terrorist and his deity of a creator has all but extinguished the loving hand inside every man's soul; traded instead for a method of trampling on each other, praying on the weak and poor, pushing their terror with the pages of your book and using it as a shield to block their true intentions while maintaining your gracious support. You did this. You made us, then abandoned us when things didn't go your way. I believed there was something out there that meant for man kind to care for each other, instead I was force fed lies and told to behave or else I would burn in Hell for all eternity. What I wasn't told was that the very religion I was being force fed was the creator of all hate and war, and used as an unlubricated condom to buttfuck a twisted sense of enlightened morality into me. I want no part of that.
William Blake wrote, “When the stars threw down their spears, and watered heaven with their tears, did He smile His work to see?” Did you smile your work to see? I hope not.

Alex Rowe

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