Tuesday, March 26, 2013

10 years in my pocket

i woke up and got into my piece of shit car.

as i was driving down the freeway there was a gap in the traffic and i was left in the middle with a clear view of the fastrak lanes. in the distance, i saw a hearse.
a single hearse with no cars behind it.

i sped up to see if there was anyone in the back but i couldn't get a good look.

then it hit me.
it hit me hard.

it was 10 years ago and i was watching the hearse that carried my cousin to riverside national cemetery. i almost had to pull over.... but i kept driving and trying to not lose it completely. i drove next to that hearse for a good while as the music and sounds from the world outside faded away into a soft murmur and i was left alone to watch the last journey of this hearse.

it was just me and the hearse, the traffic never blocking my view the whole ride, traveling at the same speed. the only difference was that this time there was no column of policemen on motorcycles leading the way, or a trail of cars miles long, or city buses carrying the hundreds of people that could not drive themselves. there were no crowds of people lining the streets waving hands and flags as we drove by. there were no veterans from all over coming to pay respects to someone they never met in life. no news vans, no reporters. no photographers.

all of that was gone.

the only things were that hearse and a crying boy who never grew up.  

i stopped living life all those years ago in march. i stopped participating.
i found it very hard to care about people and their lives and i became an inconsolable wreck.
everything reminded me of him and it still does. i spend all my time preoccupied with death and dying. i drink until i can't remember what happened and then i do it again.
i have become nothing in those ten years. i just sit around like an asshole feeling sorry for myself.

i see him when i'm out in public places. i dream about us.
All i wanna do is forget.
i never want to let you go.

i got to the cemetery and spread out my blanket. i put up the flag as i always do. and i sat down to clear the grass clippings off of the stone. i was alone out there for a while, then i saw his mother getting out of a car that had pulled up. she sat down next to me and laid down the flowers that she had brought. then my sister showed up too. his mother then had to leave because the lady that brought her had more important things to do.

after his mother had left, a car full of guys showed up. they walked around and finally made their way to where we were sitting on the blanket. they carefully placed flowers at the head of the stone and tried to not bother us. so i spoke to the one who was closest to me and i found out that it was the friend with whom my cousin had lived during high school and some of his football buddies.

i asked them to share stories and they were more than happy to do so. i told them that i knew all of them without even seeing them because i remembered them from the stories my cousin would tell me. we laughed and traded stories while trying to hold in the reason we were all there.

one of his friends kept saying that he couldn't believe it had already been 10 years.

we were out there for hours, talking, when a man walked up to us and asked if we would like him to play the bagpipes for our veteran. we all said yes. i knew he was going to play amazing grace, i can't listen to amazing grace (as played on the bagpipes) without crying. so he walks back slowly playing the bagpipes...playing the marine corps hymn, some songs i don't recognize, and amazing grace. i watched through mist as he played and we all tried to stand so we could see him. then he turned around and walked slowly back to his car without giving us the time to thank him properly. somber faced, we all looked at each other and wished out loud that none of this had ever happened.

after a while everyone left to go do the things that people do in life.
one guy had to go celebrate his daughters birthday.
...March 23.
my mothers birthday.
the exact day i got back from iraq.
the day i stopped living too.

i don't know how to explain it and i don't try. all i can do is hold in tears and pretend everything is fine until the next time i go back to the cemetery.

i sat there for a while by myself after everyone had left. touching the cool stone and wiping tears from my face. remembering.

i played the music box that i always play and gathered my stuff to leave.
i sat in my car as i do when i go by myself and i played amazing grace on the car radio.

i looked toward the green field marked with a big American flag and remembered a time when we were kids with all our dreams in our hands like marbles we had just won on the playground that day.

then i left.

i called a friend of mine to see if she would eat lunch with me and hang out for a bit afterwards.

driving down the 15 in the heat of the day with no air conditioning i thought that i would trade my life for his. as if all this nothing i had become could be used to get him back, i would do it.

i had lunch with my friend and then we watched some episodes of the office. but time caught up to me and i had to make the long drive home.

as i left the house and got into my car i sat there for a while and let the sadness envelop me.
i sent her a text from my car...

Now that i'm out of reach i cant tell you i had a really shitty day and i didn't wanna be alone. 
so thank you for making space in your busy schedule to hang out.
i appreciate it and you for being my friend.

    i drove home feeling terrible.

10 years ago i had no idea you'd no longer be here to help me in life like you always did, and i fell apart.

i want nothing more than the impossible.

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