Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I'm getting tired of starting again... somewhere new. again.

      I guess what I want to say is that sometimes you lose friends and there's something that can be done about it, and sometimes you lose friends and there's nothing you can do about it.

nothing within reason at least.
 in the movies there's always some bullshit great length that can be traversed in order to right the wrong. but in real life, things just don't work that way. I've lived my life like a novel that Hemingway threw in the garbage, I just picked it out and read it with rose colored glasses.

the funny thing is that I kept reading the same part over and over again, but only sometimes did I get any feeling out of it.

you know, we went out to the bar and I paid for everything because at that time in history I was ahead. and we drank like we would never see each other again...

and in a way, we didn't.

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