Friday, July 5, 2013 dance.

     I have learned half of what I know from my mother.
I remember when we lived in the house on Flight street, my cousin would be over and we would be sitting on this giant beige beanbag couch we had in the living room, when all of a sudden my mom would come in and ask us if we wanted to go to Disneyland the next morning. The places changed over time, Universal Studios, Sea World... but the feeling was always the same. she never planned any of those things, she would just spring them on us, and since my dad was a killjoy he never went, so it was just my mom and us kids.

     I have a feeling that she preferred it that way. just her and us, going everywhere.

     My mother is where I learned to not make plans. She is all over the place most of the time, just like me. Now, I turn around and bring that to the people I know. I just came back from a trip to Monterey and the surrounding areas. a trip that I thought up the day before.

     If I had more courage I would be more impulsive. I would take that chance. I would go. I would dance.

    In me there is a spark of my mother's spontaneity and courage.

     ...if you ever see this, I just wanted to say that I hope you dance.
your name is close enough to it.


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